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How to save money and reduce your energy consumption 

When you're paying to heat your home and some of that heat is escaping through the're wasting your money.

Poorly installed or unsealed ducting can lead to poor air distribution leaving some parts of your home uncomfortable. It's surprising how many homes have a central forced-air system but still find the need to add a window shaker in the bedroom or extra heat in the basement. But don't worry, there are ways, even in a finished home, to seal in your heat and save your money.

Now that you're aware of this potential problem, it’s time to improve your home energy consumption. Britech HVAC will help you lock in the heat and keep the cold air outdoors this winter.

Start with a safe and reliable furnace

Did you know that older furnaces require proper inspection on a regular basis and it's extremely important that every home is fitted with a CO detector?

Leaking heat exchangers, improper installation or something as simple as the negative pressure in the home caused by an oversized exhaust fan can lead to deadly conditions. This, combined with lower efficiency, often outweighs the cost of a new furnace when you take advantage of some of the great financing options and rebates available.

Modern furnaces are extremely safe, sealed combustion technology, expert installation and with Britech HVAC's ten-year warranty, you get great peace of mind.

Improve air quality and comfort

Start with servicing your furnace or cleaning and sealing your ducts, which Britech says can save you up to 25% in energy savings! This step in the right direction will improve circulation in your home by removing the dirt, dust and hair that’s being pulled back into the furnace while improving the quality of the air that you breathe.

Did you know that in an average home, up to 30% of the air from your furnace never reaches the registers?

Imagine if the waterlines to your shower were full of holes. You'd end up with low pressure in the shower and water would leak everywhere you wouldn't want it.

The same thing happens with air from your furnace. If you have rooms that don't get enough heat or cooling, Aeroseal can help — even when the home is completely finished.

By having Britech provide an estimate, they’ll run diagnostics that show you where your home air quality and comfort are being lost. Better yet, there’s no commitment on your part, just fill out a request form to learn how duct-cleaning and Aeroseal duct sealant can increase comfort, save money and make your home more energy-efficient.

Just take a look at this helpful example from Britech’s website:

As you can see, a faulty duct is wasting your money, so put an end to that by requesting a FREE in-home inspection.

Inspect for inefficiencies

To see if your home is up to modern energy efficiency standards and where you can save money, schedule a professional Britech home comfort advisor to come for an inspection.

This quick inspection can be done at a time that works for you and it’ll show you exactly where and how you're losing money. Your Britech home comfort advisor will provide solutions to improve the air quality circulating in your home and they’ll work with you to give you a quote for the comfort you can afford.

All you have to do is fill out the form online and someone from their team will respond within their one working day policy to schedule you with a free, no-obligation consultation.

Get extra savings with FortisBC rebates

Britech HVAC can help consumers take advantage of FortisBC rebates on high-efficient natural gas furnaces and fireplaces.

Making the energy and money-saving switch to a high-efficiency natural gas furnace can earn you up to $1,000 in rebates from FortisBC.

Now is the perfect time to stop wasting energy and start saving money. When you replace your old natural gas furnace with an eligible ENERGY STAR® model, FortisBC will send you a rebate of up to $1,000, and if you install an eligible connected thermostat, you can earn an additional rebate too. Take a look at the high-efficiency natural gas furnace rebates here.

Or if you prefer to cozy up next to the fire, take a look at how you can receive a $300 fireplace rebate when you purchase a FortisBC eligible EnerChoice® model

See how you can apply for your FortisBC rebates

Now that the weather is cooling, this is the time to upgrade to a high-efficiency natural gas furnace.

Start saving today by taking the steps towards saving money and reducing your energy consumption in your home or commercial property with Britech HVAC.

Remember, when you experience a problem with your heating or cooling, call Britech HVAC to speak with experienced and reliable professionals. The staff at Britech HVAC are constantly upgrading their knowledge to make sure that you receive industry-leading service and support whenever you need it.

Britech HVAC is continually working to earn your business by demonstrating honesty and integrity. By providing this level of service to clients through their team of hardworking and caring members, Britech HVAC is able to provide you with the highest level of quality service to keep you comfortable in your home.

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